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Songwriting workshop online with Versus Arthritis

Monday, 19 February 2024 14.00-15.00 (2.00-3.00pm)


Led by Cat Nunn
Online - to join please email

Join us to learn how you can use music and song writing to self-manage pain. From improving your physical health through moving to the rhythm to how you can use song writing to support your mental wellbeing. “One good thing about music is that when it hits you, you feel no pain.” – Bob Marley


Music is an amazing way to support your health and wellbeing, it gets us moving, find ways to express ourselves and have fun whilst doing it! By the end of the six-week course, you’ll have found some great techniques to play with to make writing enjoyable, but we’ll also listen to music to hear how it’s structured, how it comes together and what people write about most. If your dexterity is difficult, you are welcome to use any tool that works for you, or just take part, there’s no pressure to share your creations.

Joining us will be Cat Nunn, singer, writer and founder of Music Anywhere and Holly Tamar, singer, guitarist and independent songwriter, who works with the Swan Song Project to support people to bring their music to life.

For more information on how music soothes the soul and the helps us manage pain, see


Ymunwch â ni i ddysgu sut gallwch chi ddefnyddio cerddoriaeth a chyfansoddi caneuon i hunan-reoli poen. O wella'ch iechyd corfforol trwy symud i'r rhythm i sut y gallwch chi ddefnyddio cyfansoddi caneuon i gefnogi eich lles meddyliol. “Un peth da am gerddoriaeth yw pan fydd yn eich taro chi, ni fyddwch yn teimlo unrhyw boen.” – Bob Marley


Mae cerddoriaeth yn ffordd wych o cefnogi eich iechyd a lles, mae’n gwneud i ni symud, dod o hyd i ffyrdd o mynegi ein hunain a cael hwyl wrth wneud hynny! Erbyn diwedd y cwrs chew-wythnos, byddwch wedi dod o hyd i rhai technegau gwych i chwarae â nhw i wneud ysgrifennu yn bleserus, ond byddwn hefyd yn gwrando ar cerddoriaeth i clywed sut mae wedi'i strwythuro, sut mae'n dod at ei gilydd a beth mae pobl yn ysgrifennu amdano mwyaf. Os yw eich deheurwydd yn anodd, mae croeso i chi defnyddio unrhyw declyn sy'n gweithio i chi, neu gymryd rhan yn unig, nid oes unrhyw pwysau i rannu'ch creadigaethau. Am fwy o gwybodaeth ar sut mae cerddoriaeth yn lleddfu'r enaid ac yn ein helpu i reoli poen, gweler 

End of the session - illuminated sign says end


Session closes
A Celebration of Cymraeg and English in Song

February 2024


The Cross Keys, Llanfyllin

A celebration of song

A night of great music awaits, to celebrate the coming of spring and a musical collaboration spanning Welsh and English traditions.